On a picturesque island in Puget Sound, we find a town in a crisis: The whales have gone missing. While (unofficial) Mayor Annie searches for a solution, Chris tries to get back together with Mary; John reaches out to help Homeless Gary; Leslie longs for a faraway pen pal; Ali has come home to care for her mother; and Ella has a secret she only wants to share with local journalist Joy Mead, who she barely knows. But what about the whales? Is their absence just a seasonal glitch, or is it a sign of our collective failure to take care of the Earth? DEEP BLUE SOUND is a funny and moving play about the connections we make—and the ones we long to make—to other people, and to the world around us.

Ann Smith: Ella
Dallas Milholland: Joy Mead 
Dany Shaw: Mary
Kellyann Walbeck: Leslie
Breeann Dunivent: Ali
Ethel Stephens: Mayor Annie
Matthew Twining: John
Robert Frederiksen: Chris
Kua Patten: Gary / the whale
Jordan Cruminty: Alexander / Karl

Mark Kuntz: Director
Johncen Oxales: Assistant Director
Charlie Muroya: Costumer
Ella Jeon: Assistant Stage Manager
Autumn Hahn: Props Manager
Zane Borman: Stage Manager
Katelyn Coleman: Stage Manager
Ace Yatsuk: Light Board Operator


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